Well our Lexi Lou is now the big 9! Her birthday snuck up on us fast and before we new it it was time to plan the party and buy presents. We tried to keep it simple but it still didn't quite work out that way. Even dinner and a movie with friends can add up! Lexi invited two friends over and we all went out to dinner at Winger's for two reasons: 1. they have yummy dessert and 2. the kids meals were only $1.99! I know a bargain when I see it! After sitting at dinner Bryan informed me that he was definately outnumbered and was going to take a rain check for the rest of the evening! Can you blame him poor guy? Sitting at dinner with 6 females, 5 of which were 10 and under would be a bit much for any man! So that left me with the gang. We went home and the girls changed into pjs and we headed to a late movie, Space Chimps. After our last sleep-over I was a little fearful but I had promised Lexi, so I was willing to follow through. We invited the girls to sleep-over and much to my happiness the mothers of the girls coming over said they felt better about a late-over rather than a sleep over! Yeah I was off the hook!!!! It worked out so well we may never have a sleep-over party again! I took the girls home at 11 pm and we all slept in the next morning. Lexi was happy because she got all she asked for and more and I have no more parties to plan until December.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Lexi is 9!
Posted by Veronica at 6:00 PM 2 comments
First Day of Kindergarten
Oh my goodness my baby is in Kindergarten!!!! The big day finally came and Madison could not contain her happiness while Mom could not contain her tears. We decided to try afternoon kindergarten and so it was a long morning waiting for the time to leave for school. She happily walked over to her spot, set down her backpack and promptly ran off to play! She left Mom standing there with tears of joy and sorrow streaming down her face! She has waited a long time to be like her sisters and the joy on her face as she walked home with the girls after school was over was worth the sadness of having her grow up. If you ask her what her favorite part of school is she will tell you recess but I hope that changes soon! She has been my companion for the last few years and that has made us close and her spoiled so I am glad to see her off to school and will miss the quality time we got to spend together.
Posted by Veronica at 4:32 PM 1 comments
Back to School
Well another short summer has gone by and the girls are back to school. Three weeks never seems quite enough but I guess the breaks during the school year when we track off make it okay. Taylor is now officially a 5th grader and Lexi is just behind in 4th. They are growing before my eyes and becoming young women faster than this mother would like. I am amazed by them and proud to see the kind of girls they are. They have been so understanding with having a mother that works two jobs and can't quite do all that she used to. They have been so grown up and have taken on the load that I can't always do. They have started to clean and help cook and definately have made my life a little easier. I love you girls and am so proud of you!!!!
Posted by Veronica at 4:23 PM 0 comments
Afternoon at Boondocks
While my sister was here visiting we decided to take the kids to Boondocks for the afternoon. After they spent all their tokens on games we headed to the speedway! Almost all the kids got to drive their own cars except Maddy and she was a trooper and rode shotgun with her cousin Ally. It was hotter than crud and those cars only added to the heat. After the raceway we headed to the water ride where they got each other soaking wet and cooled off. Good times!!!!
Posted by Veronica at 4:09 PM 0 comments
This July my sister Laura and her kids came for a visit for a week. We have this wonderful firepit in the backyard and don't get to use it quite as often as we should. So for the 24th we had my other sister Sheri and her family over for dinner, smores by the fire and fireworks by Bryan after sun down! It was a fun evening and great for all the cousins to get together and play.Lexi and Connor
Bryan and I
Sheri and Kirk
Ally and Nick
Posted by Veronica at 3:45 PM 0 comments
Sunday, July 13, 2008
4th of July Fun!
Well we had a 4th of July jam packed with fun! We got up and took the girls to the pool for a few hours in the morning. After swimming we did a little shopping and realized we had left our cell phones and had lost contact with the world. We got home to a message from Errin that we were missing some great fun. Brandon and some buddies put together a super slip'n'slide in a neighbor's backyard with a major hill!(The pictures don't do it justice!) We took the girls for a little and had a blast. We didn't get to spend as much time as we would have liked to because we had to get to our friends house for a BBQ. We ate tons of food and had a great fireworks show put on by the dads. All in all it was a fun family day!
Posted by Veronica at 12:35 PM 1 comments
Monday, June 30, 2008
Recently Bryan's nephew, Adam, came home from his mission to Brazil. We wanted to spend time together as a family so some of Bryan's siblings and their families went to the Bee's baseball game. We had a great time at the game and had fun spending time with the family. Welcome home Adam, we are glad to have you back!
Posted by Veronica at 7:30 PM 1 comments
Preschool Graduation
The big graduation day finally came and Madison is officially no longer a preschooler! Both Taylor and Lexi went to the same preschool so we were pretty familiar with the program (not much has changed in the years since the older girls went) but it was still fun to see Maddy in all her glory. She sang the songs loud and remembered her speaking part. Now we are off to the big time!
Posted by Veronica at 6:56 PM 1 comments
Maddy's Birthday
It only took two months to add pictures of Maddy's 5th birthday! I can't believe my baby girl is 5! We decided to have a small party here at the house with the promise from Mom that the next party will be a big one at someplace fun. Now that she is 5 the day she starts Kingergarten can't come soon enough for her(and me)! We are down two 4 weeks until the big day and I'm not sure if we are both going to be excited or nervous. Maddy has recently had a little trauma. We went to the dentist for our 6 month checkup and little miss Maddy had 5 yes 5 cavities. We had to fix them in shifts and the first round went really well, she didn't cry at all. The second go round didn't go as well. It was so bad in fact the dentist had to ask me to leave the room so they could try and calm her down and finish the job. We are rededicated to brushing and flossing because that was unpleasant for both of us and not an event we want repeated soon!
Posted by Veronica at 6:39 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 17, 2008
I got an invitation in the mail this week for a baby shower for my cousin Cori (who I did not know was living here in Utah). I realized that I had already missed the shower so I called Cori and we arranged to get together. Aunt Liz is my Mother's sister and I have not seen them for years! We spent the evening at Cori's house visiting and reminiscing. It was a bitter sweet reunion for me. It was wonderful to reconnect with my mother's side of the family but a little sad to know that mom will never be a part of that. After her death 20 years ago you would think the feelings would be easier but every once in a while something happens to make me feel like she died yesterday. We promised that we would stay connected and get together more often. Poor Cori is on best rest for the duration of her pregnancy because of preterm labor. She only has 4 more weeks to endure. Good Luck Cori!
Posted by Veronica at 9:43 PM 4 comments
Getting Bigger
Well our little Ginger isn't quite so little anymore! She has gotten tons bigger than we thought she would and she is still very much a puppy! Nothing in the house is safe and everyhing on or near the floor is fair game. I am trying to have patience and hope that she chills out soon!
Posted by Veronica at 8:49 PM 1 comments
Gymnastics Meet
Lexi had her 2nd Intersquad meet in March. This time she placed 2nd at her level. This meet was for girls within her own gym. We decided to let her compete at meets with girls from other gyms so in April she had her first official USGA meet. She did well and placed in all of her events. We have more meets coming up so maybe the jitters will subside and she can just have fun!
Posted by Veronica at 8:58 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Here are the girls in their Sunday best before churh. I was going to forego the usual matching dresses this year but the girls put up a fuss. They don't like wearing dresses so we found these tops and white skirts. The best part is they can wear them on other days! We had dinner at our house and the annual Easter Egg Hunt since we have the only egg hunters left in the family! Thankfully the weather cooperated and we were able to do the hunt. We still keep finding eggs around the yard!
Posted by Veronica at 7:03 PM 0 comments
Jazz Game
At Taylor's new dance studio they get to perform once a year at a Jazz game. We decided to do it this year so Taylor and I went on a Saturday evening downtown to the Jazz/Nuggetts game. They performed before the game and she and I stayed and watched most of the game. The best part was the mommy, daughter time she and I got to spend together.
Posted by Veronica at 6:26 PM 1 comments
Mud Room Masterpiece
I had to show everyone my amazing mud room, although these pictures don't do it justice. We wanted lockers in the mud room when we built the house but we were not willing to pay what Richmond wanted so our plan was to build the lockers shortly after we moved in. Needless to say a year went by but with Brandon's amazing help, the lockers were built and I spent the rest of the weekend painting the room. I am so happy with the way it turned out and I love having all the organization space. Who would have thought that a mud room would give me such joy in life!!!!
Posted by Veronica at 6:19 PM 1 comments
Laura's Visit
Laura moved to Colorado last summer and decided to come out in February for a visit. We had a blast during this visit even though she left Kevin and the girls at home. We of course had to hit our favorite spot and enjoy a little Los Hermanos! My girls and Laura's boys had a great time hanging out, it is wonderful that after so long they get a chance to finally get to know each other.
Posted by Veronica at 6:11 PM 0 comments
Friday, January 18, 2008
Maddy's New Hair Do
Well not to be outdone by her older sisters, Maddy had to get her hair cut too! We went for the New Year holiday to Colorado to visit my parents and my sister Laura. Laura cuts hair and so the morning we left to come home Maddy got her hair chopped! She looks so cute and it is much easier for Mom to do. Now all my have the same do.
Posted by Veronica at 10:31 AM 3 comments
Taylor's 10th Birthday
Well Taylor did it, she is finally in the double digits! Her birthday was on December 11th and we decided to make it a small party.(or so I thought) We went out to dinner and then a movie (the girls went in their pjs and slippers) and then back to the house for a sleepover. It may be the last sleepover we have for awhile, we may just have late overs! All in all it was a good time and now my little girl is edging ever closer to becoming a young woman.
Posted by Veronica at 10:19 AM 0 comments
Festival of Trees
This year Taylor's dance team performed at the Festival of Trees. Here she is with her team before they performed. I try to keep in mind that they HAVE to wear the make-up but I hate to see my little girl all done up! We were so glad that Gramdma and Grandpa Jones were back in town for the Thanksgiving holiday and were able to come and see. We sure miss having them around but cherish the visits we get to have, only two more years and they are back home for good! Taylor and her group did wonderful, they knew all the moves and in my opinion were the best! She had sure loved the change from gynmastics and I am glad to see her find something she loves and is good at!
Posted by Veronica at 10:02 AM 0 comments